
Sacredness of The Ordinary

                 Ever since I was born I have been extremely close with all of my cousins. Sadly one of my cousins named Sarah has  disease call CF. It is short for Cystic Fibrosis, it is a diseases that effects your lungs and pancreas. The disease makes it extremely difficult to breathe and hard to digest some foods. For the first 13 years my mother help a motor cycle ride to help raise money and awareness. I would always love to help in this event whether I was handing out food of just standing there at the age of 5 with my "staff" shirt on that made me feel really special. I always look forward to this time of the year because it was one thing that really brought our family together.

              Sadly I am one of the youngest group of cousins in our family. I have 7 older cousins who are all in their 20's right now. I loved this when they were in high school and always around to babysit me but as soon as the oldest one went to collage everything changed. I could no longer fit in with them because they could do some many things that I couldn't like go out, drive, and get tattoos. This has everything  to do with my object because my cousin Sarah got a tattoo that said "breathe". she got this because of her CF it reminded her and others to stay calm. My mother loved the idea and said she would get one just like it. I felt so left out at this point because I wanted to get the tattoo because it meant a lot to me. obviously I have to wait to get it so I was sad. Then one day my aunt found an amazing necklace that said "breathe" on it. My mom got it for me and I fell in love with it. It connected me with my cousin Sarah even though so was now at collage and states away from me. I loved wearing the necklace so I wore it everyday. I enjoy when people ask me about it so I can tell them the amazing story of my cousin because it kind of feels like my story too. I look at the necklace every morning when I put it on and every night when I put it in its special box and I think of my cousin.

              This isn't just a necklace, its a person, it hold my heart, it has my story, it has my cousin, it is me, and I love it. This necklace isn't its a life time of memories.

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